Well, it is definitely 2 months since my birthday and I'm still talking about goals for my 25th year of life. I know, I have been a busy but I also need to make time to write these blogs. Without any further delay, let's get to it!
My last post I talked about how one general goal of my for this year is consistency. That encompasses being consistent with my blogs, bible study, and healthy lifestyle and 3 main areas. My second goal is to have confidence.
I used to think I was a confident person, and then, life happened. You have disappointments and failures. You become defeated and you lose hope. Over time, without you realizing it, you've lost your confidence. People talk about you, judge you, make fun of you; you lose your confidence.
In a sense, one can say that lack of confidence is what fear is. We are afraid of judgment. Afraid of failure. Afraid to disappoint others. After a while we become afraid to try anything! We become paralyzed by fear. If that has not happened to you, I can definitely be the first to say it happens to me! It's one of the main reasons I have slacked off on my blogs. Yes, the busyness of life but I am not THAT busy to not write a blog. I start getting into my head that "no one reads my blogs. What's the point? I'm wasting my time." I am doing a great disservice to myself by not cultivating a gift that God gave me. I can't be so afraid of what people MIGHT think of my blog that I go against what the Father has instilled within me in order to do His work!
Another part of confidence I need to work on is being able to forgive and reconcile with people. The confidence to face people who I have wronged/who have wronged me, and being able to have an adult conversation about what happened, that is, if people are open and willing. It can be hard to hear the truth of yourself and how you may have mistreated someone, but it is important to know so you don't repeat those same actions. Allow the spirit to soften your heart. Now there are some people who you won't be able to reconcile with, and you just pray for them as you should with those you have made amends with.
This 25th year of life I want to stop being afraid of others judgements and begin to live confidently and joyfully again. I want to be confident in the way God made me. This is the very reason I created my blog. Through my imperfections, I am perfectly made! Why am I ashamed of how God created me? It allows me to be unique, creative, have great energy, and super awesome! When those feelings of fear, doubt, or feelings of being not good enough start to set in, we need to remember that "God does not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self discipline." -2 Tim. 1:7.
Jesus knows exactly what we are dealing with in this life. He knows what it's like to be an outcast and for people to talk about Him. He knows what it feels like to be mistreated for living out His purpose. He has been able to witness the mental struggles and battles that we go through. With that knowledge, we should have so much confidence in Christ because He can help us through this! "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters this inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf."- Hebrews 6:19. He is interceding for us through our hurts, troubles, and lack of confidence. Through His spirit we have the power to stand firm against the enemies lies about ourselves. We are children of the greatest king EVER! Our father is a king! We ought to stand in confidence of that!
So in all of this, if you feel as though your confidence has diminished, remember that God can replenish. (Oooo that rhymed!) I am a goofy, Jesus/Yeshua loving girl who talks a lot, is super creative, and deeply cares for the well being of others. I love myself and I will stand firmly in the way God created me and continue living out His will for my life!
I pray you all being to become more confident through Christ this year! If you need prayer, please let me know!
~Meghan A. Harper
Dear Lord,
I am so thankful for how you created me. You created me for a specific purpose and how I am wired is to reach those who need you that are similar to me. I am so thankful for your love and the gifts you have given me to glorify you. Help me to see that this life is not about me, but it is about bringing forth the knowledge and power of your word to the world. I pray we all begin to tap into the power you have instilled within us through your Holy Spirit.
In Yeshua/Jesus name,