"The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the Lord. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the Lord and sang:
“He is good; his love endures forever.”
Then the temple of the Lord was filled with the cloud,"
-2 Chronicles 5:13
Hey guys! Hope y'all are doing great!
I knew I needed to write another post but I didn't know what to write it on, until I realized the Jesus music I had playing in the background. At the moment I thought, "Yes! Jesus music!" I know. Makes no sense, but keep reading. lol
When I was in high school, I remember my mom telling me I had a bad attitude attributed to the music I listened to. I wanted to fight her on that! In my 16 year old mind, music and my attitude had no correlation. My parents were just annoying and I needed them to know that. (Mom and dad y'all really weren't annoying at all. I was just a stupid teenager lol)
It wasn't until I went to a camp the summer before my senior year of high school at my now Alma mater, Baylor University, when my mentality started to change. Majority of the time at the camp, Christian music was played. The dorm, dining hall, and even the bookstore! When I got back home, I continued listening to the various Christian artists that I was introduced to, and you know what happened? MY ATTITUDE CHANGED! My respect towards my parents changed. My mentality changed. At the time I did not want to admit that it was the music that changed it until a few years ago. Now, 7 years later, when I turn on music in the morning, it is the Christian music.
Now why am I telling you guys this? Why is it so important to listen to be mindful of what we listen to in the morning or in general? Music is a powerful force. It is used to evoke feelings of peace, excitement, love, lust, anger, worry, etc. When we get our heart broken we may listen to a song that can relate to our heart break. There are people who listen to heavy metal or rap during exercise to increases their adrenaline and to release any anger throughout the workout. When studying, sometimes people listen to classical music to increase brain activity and keep them calm. We take on the personality of the music we listen to.
God created music to worship Him and give glory to Him. Music is such a powerful tool as we see above and how it effects your mood and behavior. God created music as an avenue to worship Him through.
"Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell all of His wonderful acts."
-Psalm 105:2
Who woke you up in the morning? You or God? The Father, who created the heavens and the earth. The Father of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. The Father who delivered His children from the hands of the enemies multiple times. The one who died for your sins so that you can have a new life. The least we can do is give Him the praise, honor and glory when we first open our eyes by worshiping Him. Allow His spirit to fill you and uplift you so you can have a godly mindset to handle the day no matter what may happen in that day! If the devil can entice you to fill your mind with things of him, instead of God, first thing in the morning, just imagine how the rest of your day will go...
Wouldn't you think the devil would try to lure people in through music? Satan and his angels are at work to get more people away from the truth of God's word. He masquerades as an angel of light! Just because it seems innocent, not that big of a deal, or "it's just words", it could actually be extremely detrimental to you.
Now, is it necessarily bad to listen to secular music? It depends on what it is talking about. If the song is talking about drugs, alcohol, degrading women, cussing every 3 words, sex, the stars aligning, then probs not. And I know, sometimes those are the best songs because of memories tied to the song or they have the best beat. We don't see the problem with it because we just like the beat. The problem with that mentality is that we cannot see what is actually taking place spiritually. We are so quick to defend our music instead of asking our Heavenly Father if He is pleased with the music we listen to. He could be trying to give us wisdom and guidance but we are too busy listening to things who are encouraging us to live opposite to God. There are many people who have come out of the music industry and have revealed the demonic activity and evil spirits behind the music... Yes, beats as well!
So this is not just for me to come at your music, this is for us to be informed and aware of what we are doing and the doors we could potentially be opening. This is something I struggle with a lot because I LOVE music and various genres of music. I have to be honest with myself however, and clean out my music that I know is not of God. Look at the artists personal lives. Are they showing God's love? Are the promoting sexual immorality? Are they promoting New Age doctrine and "do what thou wilt" mentality? The devil is very subtle within music and we completely miss it. Let's stay vigilant and sober-minded
Below I will have links to various videos of people who have come out of the industry and their experience so you all don't think I'm being "legalistic" and unbalanced. I will also post some Christian artists that I listen to. (On another note, we have to remember that all Christian music is not of God. That's for another day and explanation.)
Please note, just because your heart is not in the music and you are not intentionally listening to the song, does not mean it doesn't affect you. If you notice yourself thinking sexually, constantly angry, wanting to attract attention, extremely depressed, it could be the music you are allowing into your life. Be intentional of the words you are allowing into your heart and mind.
If you all have any questions let me know! I pray you guys have a great day!! Please please please check out the links I have posted below!

Heavenly Father,
I pray we are intentional every morning and wake up to and worship you. I ask that you convict us when we are opening doors to things that are not of you. I pray for our strength to stand against the things of this world and to worship you in through the gift of music you have given us. I pray for our hearts to be protected and guarded. Give us peace. Lord give us wisdom and discernment on music that is pleasing to your ears so that we do not offend you or take you for granted. Help us to let go of our feelings and emotions and do what is right in Your eyes!
In Jesus/Yeshua's name,
Some Christian artists I listen to:
Laura Daigle, Kari Jobe, Donnie McClurkin, Danny Gokey, Jaime Grace, Bethel Music, Hillsong (not all songs though. Use discernment), Kim Burrell, Casting Crowns, Pandora Christian Radio Station.
Testimony's of People who have come out of the music industry: