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Is There Really Nothing Wrong With It Or Do I Just Like It?

Writer's picture: Meghan A. HarperMeghan A. Harper

Hey guys! Hope all is well!

Bear with me please. I do not want to come across as offensive or a know-it-all. If I do, I apologize right now and let me know if it is offensive and we can talk about it. This might be a bit controversial BUT I want to challenge us, including myself, to really think about how we are living as believers and possibly have a nice, calm discussion about this. No better time to reflect on our life than during the week we are celebration the death, burial, and resurrection of our savior! So, without further delay, let the challenge begin! *Wakanda voice*

The other day I was talking with a friend about what it means to have a heart for Jesus. He said "as long as your trying, God will be pleased." I asked "trying in their own will and understanding or trying based off of God's standards?" We thought about the question for a while and basically came to this conclusion. The statements can sound similar yet when broken down, are different. Many people say they want to please God and think they are living for Him, yet seems as though they are living for Him in what they believe He thinks is ok and not what His word says is ok. If someone says something is "not of God" how do you react? Do you tend to say "God doesn't care about that because it's about the heart." or "we have grace and freedom in Christ so we can do what we want." The one I hear the most is:

"There's nothing wrong with (add noun here)."

We have all said something along those lines. It is usually said when someone could be coming across as condemning, judgmental, or a know-it-all about an issue that may seem benign. At the same time, our brother/sister in Christ could also be looking out for us and making sure we are living in a manner that pleases God. We have the right intentions with these statements in making people realize our salvation is not based off of works but the power of Jesus, however, is it ok to say these statements? My and many of you guy's question (I don't know if that is good English but whatever lol) is, "what is so bad about those responses? That doesn't determine if I don't have a heart for God or show that I don't care what God thinks!" Well... It may... And stay with me on this, please! lol

We need to be very careful with making absolute statements such as "there's nothing wrong with..." because, honestly, WE DO NOT KNOW. Please don't take this the wrong way but, did you ask God if He was or was not okay with whatever it is or did you assume He is fine with it because it's something you like and don't want to give up? We have to remember that God is the one we are worshipping and living for. We were created to worship Him. He is the one who sets the standards of what is and is not okay... not us. We know that intellectually, yet we tend to live without asking God if He is pleased with what we do. I have noticed in myself and others a few reasons as to why we say "there's nothing wrong with blah blah blah":

1. Some things appear innocent and harmless, which can be difficult for us to grasp why it may be offensive to God. The reality is, we could be opening a door to the enemy without even realizing it. Remember, the enemy disguises himself as an angel of light. Which is why is it so important to "be alert and sober minded. The enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8)

2. We may have put our identity in it without realizing it. For someone to say something is not of God can be offensive because it feels as though it is a personal attack on our character or on our relationship with God. We have to see that we may be afraid to give it up because it feels as though we are losing a part of ourself.

3. It can be difficult to determine if God is offended by something because it doesn't seem like He has told us otherwise or we don't see any repercussions. Maybe He has told us no but we ignored it. Has that thing brought drama, confusion, or even go against God's word in any way? Has it led you closer to or farther from Christ? Are you lining it up with scripture? Does it feed your flesh or glorify the spirit? Galatians 5:22-23 describes the fruits of the spirit. These are listed after verses 19-21 which go into detail the acts of the flesh that when someone lives in that way, will not inherit the kingdom of God. Does it promote/support:

"sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry/witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, rage, selfish ambition, envy, drunkenness" ?

A commonly quoted bible verse is Romans 12:2 yet we usually quote the first half only, "do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." The second half of the verse usually is left unsaid yet it sums up what I am trying to say "...that you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing, and perfect will." When we fully allow God to change our hearts, He will begin to open our eyes to what He finds pleasing and good, not what we think He may think is okay. It is His will, not ours. He sets the standards, not us. By saying "there's nothing wrong with x,y,z" can limit us from experiencing God's transforming power and we will not see what He thinks is good and pleasing. It is almost as if we are saying we don't have anything that needs to be changed or improved. We have a wall up that signifies to God, "you can transform this part of my life, but not that part!" We don't mean to because sometimes we genuinely think there is nothing wrong with what we are doing. We want to surrender to Him, and we couldn't imagine living in a way displeasing to Him. It becomes tough to let go, however, when He starts to point things out in our life that are meaningful and near and dear to our hearts. IT. IS. TOUGH!

I have realized we have to get into the practice of asking God questions. It doesn't come naturally because we want to feed our flesh. So, what are some examples of things we should ask God about? Well I'm glad you asked! :-)

-What should you eat today?

-What should you wear today?

-Should I watch/listen to this TV show, movie, or music?

-Should I be apart of the club/organization?

-Should I wear a necktie or a bowtie?

-What color should I paint my nails?

-What should my next blog post be about? (I asked Him and 80% of this blog is different! lol)

These questions seem trivial but they get you in the habit of asking God "hey! Is this ok?" When we get into this practice it can allow Him to speak to us and open our eyes when it comes to larger and more important issues:

-What school should I go to? Should I go back to school?

-Should I join this church?

-What job should I take or should I leave this job?

-How should I confront this person that offended me?

-Should I be friends with this person?

-Should I go on this date?

-Who should I marry or should I marry them now or wait 2 years?

-Am I trusting this situation, person, job, etc, more than I'm trusting You?

Am I saying to live on eggshells NOOO!!! Am I saying to live like an anxious robot who is afraid to live life? NOOOOO!!!! Am I saying to be perfect and never make a mistake? NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!! We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God! What I am saying is as we live in this world, we have to be mindful of how He feels about our life because He is the one who created it! It shows that we are inviting Him into our life and that we trust Him and value Him! He may want to bless us with something but we are holding so tightly to things He disapproves of that we won't be able to receive what He has for us. We are living for Him and to bring glory and honor to His name; not living in a way we think is okay...

As you reflect on your life during this resurrection season, remember Christ died for us to have eternal life. This is the best time of year to evaluate your life and really see all that Christ has done so we can live in harmony with Him one day! "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." (Galatians 5:24) We are to die to our flesh daily and seek His will. Yes we have grace, but we shouldn't take that for granted. Grace does not give us a right to sin or do whatever we want. He didn't have to die for us but He did because He loves us and wants the best for us! The least we can do is ask Him, "Lord, are you pleased with this?"

So the next time someone says "Your gray shoe laces are not of God", you can say "Thank you for telling me. I will ask God to see if He is ok with them and see what His word says about it!" Answers like this will (hopefully) cause less drama and don't create as much division among the body of Christ. If the person is out of line, just pray for them and ask God to change their heart. If there's a possibility of them being correct, pray for God to change your heart to do what is pleasing to Him. We are all in a different place in our journey with Jesus. The most important thing is that we all have room to change, even when we may not see the areas that need to be changed.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray for the person reading this that they begin to truly seek Your will and what You find pleasing. Open our eyes to what is pleasing, good and perfect in your sight. Help us to die to our fleshly desires every day just as You died for us 2,000 years ago. I thank you for that heroic victory on the cross so we do not have to continue living in sin and bondage. Thank you for your love! Thank you for Your grace for us to have another day at getting this right. I love you so much!

-Love Meghan A. Harper

*Additional verses that make sense but I didn't know where to put them!*

2 Corinthians 5:15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

Romans 6:1-2 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?

Galatians 5:17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.

Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

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