Soooooo ummm, hey y'all! hahaha
Basically after I made my last post, trying to sound like I have a bunch of wisdom, I have been getting attacked from the enemy in regarding my peace and where I am right now in life. With my 24th birthday coming up in 3 weeks and 2 more years left on my parents insurance, doubtful feelings and anxiety have begun to consume my mind. I feel like I should be somewhere else (where I'm living and mentally). I feel like I should have a great social life. I feel like I should have my career together. I feel like a lot of my college classmates are excelling in their careers or excelling in their graduate degrees and I am just now somewhat realizing what I could potentially do in life! I feel like I'm not headed in the right direction and that I will have to start over. I feel like I am behind in life. I feel like I need to hurry up and figure things out before it's "too late". I feel like I am running out of time. I feel like... I feeeel like... I FEEEEEL LIKE!!!
It can make you lose your mind when "I feel like's" begins to operate your life and consume your thoughts. When I get into mental battle and cycle of believing my feelings, I have to step back and remember, my feelings have a tendency to lie to me and distract me from God's will. The first part of Proverbs 28:26 says, "Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool..." A fool! Now I definitely don't want to be labeled a fool, but at the same time, it makes me look very foolish to sit and sulk in these "I feel like" misconceptions when God has everything already worked out for you! I'm trusting my feelings more than trusting The Father! The second part of that verse says "but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered." Deliverance meaning saved from sins but also protection from the enemy's schemes. Is it wise to allow the enemy to invade your thoughts and make you feel less than? Or is it wise to allow the Holy Spirit give you direction? Now, there is a difference between feelings from conviction (Holy Spirit led) and feelings from comparison (devil led). The Holy Spirit could be nudging us to do something that we are resisting. The Holy Spirit will give us wisdom, peace, and tools to equip us for the task. On the other hand, the devil will present you with scenarios that will cause feelings of inadequacy or anxiety. You will then start to compare your life to others which creates feelings of doubt. Feelings that you are behind and feelings of discouragement which will cause you to doubt the will of God for your life.
In times like this, people always want to step in and help, or pressure you into making the right decision because, well, the “clock is ticking”. We cannot become distracted by what people say you should do. People (family, friends, etc.) mean well, and at times have fantastic advice. Even with the best intentions however, they may not be leading you in the direction God is calling you towards. It’s hard to not take their advice because you don’t want them to be disappointed in you or make it seem like you don’t care about your life. You have to do what God has created you to do, not what people think you should do. It won’t make sense to people but you are not living your life for others, you are living to please The Father. He created you, so He knows what is best for you! I could go on about this and I will… in another blog lol
So in the meantime, here are some tips for when you let feelings take over:
It is okay to feel like this sometimes. Your feelings are valid! The biggest thing is DO NOT stay in this mental state. The Father loves you and cares about you. As long as you are living according to His word, He will bless you. YOU ARE DOING FINE!!!
2. Create goals that can better yourself!
Focus on yourself! Start off small and realistic! “I will take this certification exam by April 4” or “I will walk for 20 minutes 3 days a week.” Plan out how you will achieve those goals! There are times we lose motivation. When you have goals it gives you something to look forward to and give you a sense of accomplishment. I can also do another blog on setting Godly goals!
3. Do something that you love.
We all have an outlet. Do it! (as long as it is of God) Who knows, it could be the very thing that God is trying to develop within you to be your life long ministry.
4. Remove the confusion!
What are you allowing into your life that is causing confusion and doubt towards God’s plan for you? Social media? Entertainment? Horoscopes? Living counter to God’s word? Ungodly relationships? Friends and family? (I know. That’s a tough one.) If you know what the Lord has called you to do, if someone comes opposing that vision, do not become confused by it. “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control (or a sound mind).” 2 Timothy 1:7.
5. PRAY!
Where are you getting your daily wisdom and advice from? Spend time with The Father and get to know Him so you can gain clarity on plan for you! It doesn't have to be 3 hours, but even doing 5-10 minutes before bed everyday will make a huge difference! How will you know what you are called to do if you never spend time with Him or seek what He has already given you... His word!
So I feel like (Lol) this is a little long winded but I wanted to be transparent. I will do other blogs diving deeper into other topics I’ve talked about in this post, but ya! Lol Allow the Lord to give you clarity! Don't beat yourself up! You are doing great!!! And as I said in my previous post, don’t rush your season! Take time and learn in this process! Allow The Lord to deliver from these toxic and untruthful thoughts and feelings. Life can get confusing and overwhelming but remember to “be anxious for NOTHING but through pray and petition make your requests known to God.” –Philippians 4:6
If you have any questions, let me know! Have a great week!!!
~Meghan A. Harper