The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
-Lamentations 3:22-23
Oh Birthdays... That day we look forward to or, if you are getting older, sometimes it is the day we dread. It's a day to do what you want and people are nice to you because it marks the beginning of a new year of life for you! We make elaborate plans to have our friends and/or family around to wish us a Happy Birthday and to ring in a new year of life with pizzazz!
I turned 24 on the 3rd of this month and it definitely did not go as I had planned. I was supposed to go to the Bay Area for a dance workshop and meet one of my favorite choreographers that I have been watching for 8 years! I woke up at about 5 o'clock in the morning and I could not get out of bed. My body was achy and extremely weak, I was sweating profusely, and I could barely open my eyes. I finally mustard up the strength, 30 minutes later, to find my thermometer and take my temperature. And what do you know... I HAD A FEVER! I had not been feeling well the night before and I was praying for The Lord to make it clear to me if I should go or not. Well if a fever isn't clarity, I don't know what is! The rest of the day AND for the next few days I laid in bed until I tried to make a doctor's appointment. I emailed her and described my symptoms and she said not even to come in but to get Tamiflu from the pharamcy because I probably have the flu. THE FLU! I've NEVER had the flu! I've also never taken a flu shot either so it has been by the grace of God that I haven't gotten the flu all these years. :-) I was in such denial until I took 1 dose of the medicine and my symptoms were gone! Wow. hahahaha
I started to think, "Lord, is this a foreshadow of how my 24th year of life is going to be?!" But I couldn't help but just laugh because I knew it was a rediculous thought. In those 3 days, I was able to reflect on how far The Father has brought me in my 23rd year of life. All that I have been through and all that He has been healing me from. I couldn't help but rejoice!
So these are some things I learned over the past year as a 23 year old...
1. The Lord is always with you.
Sometimes I would look up to remember He really is there watching over me! He is guiding my footsteps, protecting me, and helping me along this journey called life. He will comfort you and give you peace.
"I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."
-Psalm 121:1-2
2. It is OK to not know what you want to do/ change your job!
Being a 18 months post grad, I feel as though my life should be figured out. I've said this before in my previous blogs, but you do feel behind. It seems like your classmates have careers or in grad school and being successful. I had to realize it is okay to not have it figured out by now, as long as you are actively seeking The Father and allowing Him to tell you what you need to do. You are not behind. You are right where He needs you to be.
3. It is ok to be alone, but NOT ok to be in isolation.
We need to understand the difference. Alone time is good! You can relax, recooperate, spend time with God, etc. Isolation, however, is not making an effort to see the world or to connect with people. Isolation can turn into loneliness which can lead to depression. Being alone is a physcial state. Isolation is physical, mental, and spiritual. Instead of being alone with God you become alone with your thoughts and start trusting your feelings. You rely on the circumstance more than The Father. If you see yourself in that isolated environment, do whatever you can to get out of that. Stay connected with people. Find a hobby. Get involved in your church. Something that gives you a sense of reality, hope, belonging, etc. Being isolated in life is not healthy... Trust me!
4. Be content and joyful where you are! Make the best out of a situation you did not plan on.
As Paul says "I have learned to be content regardless of my circumstances. I know how to live humbly, and I know how to abound..." Phillippians 4:11-12
We recite this verse but don't realize what Paul was truly going through! He was in jail, literally had nothing at all and was constantly suffering to enhance the kingdom of God... Just so you know...
But The Lord cannot truly bless you and use you as He as created you to be, until you are okay with where He has placed you! He has you here for a reason. Learn from it and develop some fruits of the spirit while you are here!
5. Similar to #4: Be willing to let go of YOUR plans, becuase God has a plan greater than what we would ever be able to formulate.
We always have these elaborate plans yet, it very well may not be what God wants us to do! We get so frusterated and discouraged when things don't go as WE planned but WE do not have the final say over our lifes. The things that WE want to do could ruin us forever! God is protecting us from things we cannot see and we get mad. I know it is annoying and feels like you are always at a dead end but just know that there is something that The Lord is preparing for you and the path you want to take will hinder you from your purpose and His plan.
'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (Another overly quoted verse that we don't see the whole background story BUT it is still applicable.) He really has a plan for our lives, if only we seek and trust Him!
"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you..." Jereimah 29:12-14
I pray this helps someone! I will be making a part 2 as to "What am I going to do as a 24 year old?" We get another chance at life every single day. Take advantage of it. Don't waste it. Don't abuse it! His mercies are new EVERY morning!
Ask yourself this, "What is 1 thing you will do differently today than what you did yesterday?"Think about it and I will talk to y'all later!
~Meghan A. Harper