Imperfectly made---> I'm perfectly made!
The Bible teaches us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that we are made in the image of God. Though we are made through God's perfect image, our sin, disobedience, and mistakes make us imperfect. Being imperfect, however, is not a bad thing at all! Our imperfections shape who we are and help strengthen us. They are showing us the areas of our life we need to work on in order to be more like Jesus and grow closer to Him. It can, however, be difficult to dig deep and take a good look at ourselves in the mirror. It can be frightening dealing with our issues. So instead, we try to suppress them, hoping they eventually solve on their own. I know this is scary, but in order to allow God to really heal and grow us, we have to allow Him to expose those imperfect areas. The best part about this though is that you don't need to be scared! YOU WON'T BE DOING THIS ALONE!
Though this is a spiritual journey, it is also about accepting our physical imperfections! In our human nature we tend to compare ourselves to one another and accept the lies satan is feeding us. We start to believe we aren't good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, etc. and that we are not deserving of love, ESPECIALLY God's love. Well I'm here to tell you that YOU ARE deserving because of His love and grace! (I will take time on another day to talk more about grace.) God intentionally set aside some time to design you with care and love for a specific purpose He has for your life; a purpose far greater than you may be able to see! You ARE perfectly made, despite your imperfections. We need to start seeing ourselves the way God sees us! God sees you as beautiful and deserving. Do you believe that?
Through this blog I hope to help those who are struggling with their faith and encourage people to keep striving towards God. We all get in a funk sometimes and just need a little love and encouragement to help pull us through. I'm so excited for you all to take this journey with me as I am trying to figure this life out too. I just want people to see that there is someone trying to figure this life out, live for God and that they don't have to do it by themselves. We were not created to do life alone. I am using this to help hold me accountable and making sure I keep pressing towards God and seeking His guidance, wisdom, and love. We need to embrace the journey with all of its bumps and bruises, highs and lows and truly see, believe, and trust that God will always work it out!
If you need prayer or have any questions, feel free to contact me and I hope to answer your questions to the best of my abilities! If you have any specific topics you want me to talk about, let me know!
Have an awesome day!!!!!
~Meghan A. Harper
"I will give you a new heart, and put a new spirit in you. I will remove the heart of stone from your body and give you a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26